Manage self-service promotions using the API
For background on self-service promotions in PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud, learn more in Introduction to self-service promotions.
Lower and upper environments
Before you run any promotions API requests, you must know which tenant environment is the lower environment and which is the upper environment. Learn more in Lower and upper environments.
The API uses a pull model to promote configuration, so most API commands must be run against the upper environment.
Dry-run promotions
When you are ready to run a promotion, perform a dry run first. A dry run lets you identify any problems with missing ESVs or encrypted secrets, before you run a full promotion.
Header 1 | Header 2 |
Dry-run promotion report |
A promotion report generated after a dry-run promotion. It provides a full list of configuration changes that will be promoted between a lower and an upper environment. |
Promotion report |
A promotion report generated after a promotion. It provides a full list of configuration changes that were promoted between a lower and an upper environment. |
Provisional rollback report |
A rollback report generated before rollback. It provides a full list of configuration changes that will be reverted from the upper environment. |
Rollback report |
A rollback report generated after a rollback. It provides a full list of configuration changes that were reverted from the upper environment. |
Promotions API endpoints
Advanced Identity Cloud provides these API endpoints for promotions:
To authenticate to promotions API endpoints, use an
access token created with the
The following diagram summarizes how promotions API commands are used to run a promotion. Learn more in Run a promotion.

Monitor progress when you lock or unlock environments, start a promotion, or start a rollback
When you use API commands to lock environments, unlock environments, start a promotion, or start a rollback, you trigger asynchronous processes in your environments. You can monitor the progress of these asynchronous processes by checking their state or status until they have completed. You do this by running further API commands and analyzing their responses.
Check the lock state
To check the lock state, use the /environment/promotion/lock/state
curl \
--request GET 'https://<tenant-env-upper-fqdn>/environment/promotion/lock/state' \(1)
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token>'(2)
1 | Replace <tenant-env-upper-fqdn> with the FQDN of the upper environment. |
2 | Replace <access-token> with an access token for the upper environment (learn more in
Get an access token). |
Learn how to analyze the response from this endpoint in Lock environments.
Check the promotion status
To check the promotion status, use the /environment/promotion/promote
curl \
--request GET 'https://<tenant-env-upper-fqdn>/environment/promotion/promote' \(1)
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token>'(2)
1 | Replace <tenant-env-upper-fqdn> with the FQDN of the upper environment. |
2 | Replace <access-token> with an access token for the upper environment (learn more in
Get an access token). |
Learn how to analyze the response from this endpoint during a promotion in Run a promotion.
Check the rollback status
To check the rollback status, use the /environment/promotion/promote
endpoint, as described in
Check the promotion status.
Learn how to analyze the response from this endpoint during a rollback in Run a rollback.
Lock environments
Before you run a promotion or a rollback, you must lock the upper and lower environments.
Step 1: Check that the environments are unlocked
Check the lock state to confirm that both environments are unlocked. This is indicated in the response when
has a value ofunlocked
:{ "description": "Environment unlocked", "lowerEnv": { "state": "unlocked" }, "result": "unlocked", "upperEnv": { "state": "unlocked" } }
Step 2: Lock the environments
Locking an environment prevents configuration changes that could disrupt a promotion or a rollback; however, all authentication flows continue to work as normal. |
To lock the environments, use the
endpoint to create a lock request:curl \ --request POST 'https://<tenant-env-upper-fqdn>/environment/promotion/lock' \(1) --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token>'(2)
1 Replace <tenant-env-upper-fqdn>
with the FQDN of the upper environment.2 Replace <access-token>
with an access token for the upper environment (learn more in Get an access token).-
If the lock request is successful, the response
has a value oflocking
:{ "description": "Environment lock in progress", "promotionId": "8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740", "result": "locking" }
If the lock request is rejected, the response
has a value of409
In the example below the lock request was rejected because a lock already exists:
{ "code": 409, "message": "Environment is already locked for promotion 791eb03a-7ec1-42ae-ae84-ed142cf52688" }
To resolve this:
If another member of your team is already running a promotion:
Wait until the team member has completed their promotion and has released the lock.
Start the promotion steps again.
If the lock has accidentally been left in place, and no one else is running a promotion:
Unlock the environments using the promotion ID stated in the error message.
Start the promotion steps again.
In the example below the lock request was rejected because Ping Identity locked the environment:
{ "code": 409, "message": "Environment is locked by {forgerock_name} for maintenance. Retry later." }
Ping Identity typically locks an environment so that Ping Identity support engineers can investigate an issue or perform maintenance. To resolve this, wait until Ping Identity releases the lock.
If the lock request causes an unexpected error, the response
has a value of500
.{ "code": 500, "message": "<internal-error-message>" }
To resolve this, open a support case with Ping Identity support. Learn more in Resolve environment errors that are preventing a promotion or a rollback.
Check the lock state to confirm that the lock is in progress. This is indicated in the response when
has a value oflocking
:{ "description": "Environment lock in progress", "lowerEnv": { "promotionId": "8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740", "state": "locking" }, "promotionId": "8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740", "result": "locking", "upperEnv": { "promotionId": "8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740", "state": "locking" } }
Check the lock state as many times as you need until both environments are locked. This is indicated in the response when
has a value oflocked
:{ "description": "Environment locked", "lowerEnv": { "promotionId": "8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740", "state": "locked" }, "promotionId": "8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740", "result": "locked", "upperEnv": { "promotionId": "8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740", "state": "locked" } }
Run a promotion
Step 1: Lock the environments
Follow the instructions in Lock environments.
Step 2: Check that a promotion is not already running
Check the promotion status to confirm that a promotion is not already running. This is
indicated in the response when status
has a value of READY
"status": "READY",
"message": "Environment ready for promotion",
"blockingError": false,
"globalLock": "LOCKED",
"promotionId": "8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740",
"timeStamp": "2024-06-12T17:12:32Z",
"type": "promotion"
Step 3: Run a dry-run promotion
To run a dry-run promotion, follow the steps in Step 4: Run the promotion; however, in
step 4.1, set the dryRun
flag to true
--data-raw '{
"dryRun": true
If there are any scripts awaiting promotion, ensure that they do not emit any personally identifiable information (PII) of your end users into Advanced Identity Cloud logs. Ping Identity recommends that you establish a review and testing process for all scripts to prevent PII leaking out of your Advanced Identity Cloud tenant environments. |
Step 4: Run the promotion
To run a promotion, use the
endpoint:curl \ --request POST 'https://<tenant-env-upper-fqdn>/environment/promotion/promote' \(1) --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token>' \(2) --data-raw '{ "dryRun": false (3) }'
1 Replace <tenant-env-upper-fqdn>
with the FQDN of the upper environment.2 Replace <access-token>
with an access token for the upper environment (learn more in Get an access token).3 The dryRun
flag is set tofalse
in the request body.{ "result": "Promotion process initiated successfully" }
Check the promotion status to confirm that the promotion is in progress. This is indicated in the response when
has a value ofRUNNING
:{ "status": "RUNNING", "message": "Prepare config", "blockingError": false, "globalLock": "LOCKED", "promotionId": "8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740", "timeStamp": "2024-06-12T17:14:13Z", "type": "promotion" }
Check the promotion status as many times as you need until the promotion is complete.
If the promotion is still running, the response
has a value ofRUNNING
:{ "status": "RUNNING", "message": "Promote configuration", "blockingError": false, "globalLock": "LOCKED", "promotionId": "8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740", "timeStamp": "2024-06-12T17:15:51Z", "type": "promotion" }
If the promotion failed but is recoverable, the response
has a value ofERROR
, and the responseblockingError
has a value offalse
In the example below, the promotion failed an integrity check for missing ESVs.
{ "status": "ERROR", "message": "Missing ESVs", "blockingError": false, "missingESVs": [ "email.from" ], "globalLock": "LOCKED", "promotionId": "8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740", "timeStamp": "2024-06-12T17:19:31Z", "type": "promotion" }
To resolve this:
For each ESV in
, add an ESV into the upper environment. -
Start the promotion steps again.
In the example below, the promotion failed an integrity check for encrypted secrets.
{ "status": "ERROR", "message": "Found encrypted values in the AM/IDM configuration", "blockingError": false, "globalLock": "LOCKED", "encryptedSecrets": [ "* am/services/realm/root-alpha/persistentcookiedecisionnode/1.0/organizationconfig/default/dd35c42f-177e-4633-9107-373214858fa7.json:10" ], "promotionId": "8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740", "timeStamp": "2024-06-12T17:19:31Z", "type": "promotion" }
To resolve this:
If the encrypted secret is in your configuration by accident:
Create an ESV secret containing the encrypted secret in each of the development, staging, and production environments.
Update your configuration to reference the new ESV secret.
Start the promotion steps again.
If the encrypted secret is in your configuration deliberately, you can bypass this check:
Follow the steps in Step 4: Run the promotion; however, in step 4.1, set the
flag totrue
:--data-raw '{ "dryRun": false, "ignoreEncryptedSecrets": true }'
If the promotion failed and is not recoverable, the response
has a value ofERROR
, and the responseblockingError
has a value oftrue
:{ "status": "ERROR", "message": "Failed to promote config", "blockingError": true, "globalLock": "LOCKED", "promotionId": "8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740", "timeStamp": "2024-06-12T17:19:31Z", "type": "promotion" }
If you run the promotion again after a blocking error, the following response displays:
{ "code": 409, "message": "Environment is blocked from a previous failed promotion or rollback" }
To resolve this, open a support case with Ping Identity support. Learn more in Resolve environment errors that are preventing a promotion or a rollback.
If Advanced Identity Cloud services are restarting, the response
has a value ofRUNNING
, and the responsemessage
has a value ofWaiting for workloads to restart
:{ "status": "RUNNING", "message": "Waiting for workloads to restart", "blockingError": false, "globalLock": "LOCKED", "promotionId": "8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740", "timeStamp": "2024-06-12T17:32:06Z", "type": "promotion" }
This part of the promotion can take several minutes. It does not apply to dry-run promotions, where Advanced Identity Cloud services do not need to be restarted.
If the promotion is complete, the response
has a value ofREADY
, and the responsemessage
has a value ofPromotion completed
:{ "status": "READY", "message": "Promotion completed", "blockingError": false, "globalLock": "LOCKED", "promotionId": "8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740", "timeStamp": "2024-06-12T17:40:29Z", "type": "promotion" }
If no changes have been promoted, the
has a value ofPromotion completed (no change)
Step 5: View the promotion report
To view a report for the most recent promotion, use the
endpoint.curl \ --request GET 'https://<tenant-env-upper-fqdn>/environment/promotion/report' \(1) --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token>' \(2)
1 Replace <tenant-env-upper-fqdn>
with the FQDN of the upper environment.2 Replace <access-token>
with an access token for the upper environment (learn more in Get an access token).{ "createdDate": "2024-06-12T17:32:05Z", "promotionId": "8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740", "report": { "IDMConfig": [ { "configChange": { "added": [ "Forgotten Username" ] }, "configItem": "Email > Templates", "fileDestinationPattern": "idm/conf/emailTemplate-*.json", "fileName": "displayName", "type": "single" } ] }, "reportId": "c41286bb-30cd-4109-ba9d-dc4788b6a75c", "reportName": "Report_2024-06-12T17-32+00Z_dryrun=false_8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740", "type": "promotion" }
In the example above, the promotion report shows that email template configuration was promoted.
To view a report from before the most recent promotion, learn more in View previous promotion or rollback reports.
Step 6: Unlock the environments
Follow the instructions in Unlock environments.
Run a rollback
Step 1: Lock the environments
Follow the instructions in Lock environments.
Step 2: Check that a promotion is not already running
Check the promotion status to confirm that a promotion is not already running. This is
indicated in the response when status
has a value of READY
"status": "READY",
"message": "Environment ready for promotion",
"blockingError": false,
"globalLock": "LOCKED",
"promotionId": "8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740",
"timeStamp": "2024-06-12T17:12:32Z",
"type": "promotion"
Step 3: Get a provisional rollback report
To get a provisional rollback report, use the /environment/promotion/report/provisional-rollback
curl \
--request GET 'https://<tenant-env-upper-fqdn>/environment/promotion/report/provisional-rollback' \(1)
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token>'(2)
1 | Replace <tenant-env-upper-fqdn> with the FQDN of the upper environment. |
2 | Replace <access-token> with an access token for the upper environment (learn more in
Get an access token). |
"createdDate": "2024-06-12T17:32:05Z",
"promotionId": "8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740",
"report": {
"IDMConfig": [
"configChange": {
"added": [
"Forgotten Username"
"configItem": "Email > Templates",
"fileDestinationPattern": "idm/conf/emailTemplate-*.json",
"fileName": "displayName",
"type": "single"
"reportId": "c41286bb-30cd-4109-ba9d-dc4788b6a75c",
"reportName": "Report_2024-06-12T17-32+00Z_dryrun=false_8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740",
"type": "provisional-rollback"
Step 4: Run the rollback
To run a rollback, use the
endpoint:curl \ --request POST 'https://<tenant-env-upper-fqdn>/environment/promotion/rollback' \(1) --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token>' \(2) --data-raw '{}'
1 Replace <tenant-env-upper-fqdn>
with the FQDN of the upper environment.2 Replace <access-token>
with an access token for the upper environment (learn more in Get an access token).{ "result": "Rollback process initiated successfully" }
Check the rollback status to confirm that the rollback is in progress. This is indicated in the response when
has a value ofRUNNING
:{ "status": "RUNNING", "message": "Prepare config", "blockingError": false, "globalLock": "LOCKED", "promotionId": "8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740", "timeStamp": "2024-06-12T17:14:13Z", "type": "rollback" }
Check the rollback status as many times as you need until the rollback is complete.
If the rollback is still running, the response
has a value ofRUNNING
:{ "status": "RUNNING", "message": "Rollback configuration", "blockingError": false, "globalLock": "LOCKED", "promotionId": "8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740", "timeStamp": "2024-06-12T17:15:51Z", "type": "rollback" }
If the rollback failed but is recoverable, the response
has a value ofERROR
, and the responseblockingError
has a value offalse
In the example below, the rollback failed an integrity check for missing ESVs.
{ "status": "ERROR", "message": "Missing ESVs", "blockingError": false, "missingESVs": [ "email.from" ], "globalLock": "LOCKED", "promotionId": "8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740", "timeStamp": "2024-06-12T17:19:31Z", "type": "rollback" }
To resolve this:
For each ESV in
, re-add the ESV into the upper environment. -
Start the rollback steps again.
If the rollback failed and is not recoverable, the response
has a value ofERROR
, and the responseblockingError
has a value oftrue
:{ "status": "ERROR", "message": "Failed to rollback config", "blockingError": true, "globalLock": "LOCKED", "promotionId": "8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740", "timeStamp": "2024-06-12T17:19:31Z", "type": "rollback" }
If you run the rollback again after a blocking error, the following response displays:
{ "code": 409, "message": "Environment is blocked from a previous failed promotion or rollback" }
To resolve this, open a support case with Ping Identity support. Learn more in Resolve environment errors that are preventing a promotion or a rollback.
If Advanced Identity Cloud services are restarting, the response
has a value ofRUNNING
, and the responsemessage
has a value ofWaiting for workloads to restart
:{ "status": "RUNNING", "message": "Waiting for workloads to restart", "blockingError": false, "globalLock": "LOCKED", "promotionId": "8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740", "timeStamp": "2024-06-12T17:32:06Z", "type": "rollback" }
This part of the rollback can take several minutes.
If the rollback is complete, the response
has a value ofREADY
, and the responsemessage
has a value ofPromotion completed
:{ "status": "READY", "message": "Rollback completed", "blockingError": false, "globalLock": "LOCKED", "promotionId": "8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740", "timeStamp": "2024-06-12T17:40:29Z", "type": "rollback" }
Step 5: Unlock the environments
Follow the instructions in Unlock environments.
Unlock environments
After you run a promotion or a rollback, you must unlock the upper and lower environments.
To unlock the environments, use the
endpoint:curl \ --request DELETE 'https://<tenant-env-upper-fqdn>/environment/promotion/lock/<promotion-id>' \(1) (2) --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token>'(3)
1 Replace <tenant-env-upper-fqdn>
with the FQDN of the upper environment.2 Replace <promotion-id>
with thepromotionId
created when you initially locked the environments.3 Replace <access-token>
with an access token for the upper environment (learn more in Get an access token).{ "description": "Environment unlock in progress", "promotionId": "8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740", "result": "unlocking" }
Check the lock state as many times as you need until both environments are unlocked. This is indicated in the response when
has a value ofunlocked
:{ "description": "Environment locked", "lowerEnv": { "promotionId": "8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740", "state": "locked" }, "promotionId": "8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740", "result": "locked", "upperEnv": { "promotionId": "8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740", "state": "locked" } }
View previous promotion or rollback reports
To view a list of previous promotion or rollback reports, use the
endpoint:curl \ --request GET 'https://<tenant-env-upper-fqdn>/environment/promotion/reports' \(1) --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token>'(2)
1 Replace <tenant-env-upper-fqdn>
with the FQDN of the upper environment.2 Replace <access-token>
with an access token for the upper environment (learn more in Get an access token).[ { "createdDate": "2024-06-12T12:00:29Z", "dryRun": true, "promotionId": "8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740", "reportId": "57aabe7d-4e8c-4fbb-8a13-2fc7d1cb4d52", "type": "promotion" }, { "createdDate": "2024-06-12T17:32:05Z", "dryRun": false, "promotionId": "8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740", "reportId": "c41286bb-30cd-4109-ba9d-dc4788b6a75c", "type": "promotion" }, { "createdDate": "2024-06-12T13:56:10Z", "dryRun": true, "promotionId": "8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740", "reportId": "df893dee-e952-489c-b94d-8c9ebf36e9a5", "type": "promotion" } ]
To view individual reports, use the
endpoint and supply areportId
from the response in the previous step:curl \ --request GET 'https://<tenant-env-upper-fqdn>/environment/promotion/report/<report-id>' \(1) (2) --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token>'(3)
1 Replace <tenant-env-upper-fqdn>
with the FQDN of the upper environment.2 Replace <report-id>
with areportId
; for example,c41286bb-30cd-4109-ba9d-dc4788b6a75c
.3 Replace <access-token>
with an access token for the upper environment (learn more in Get an access token).{ "createdDate": "2024-06-12T17:32:05Z", "promotionId": "8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740", "report": { "IDMConfig": [ { "configChange": { "added": [ "Forgotten Username" ] }, "configItem": "Email > Templates", "fileDestinationPattern": "idm/conf/emailTemplate-*.json", "fileName": "displayName", "type": "single" } ] }, "reportId": "c41286bb-30cd-4109-ba9d-dc4788b6a75c", "reportName": "Report_2024-06-12T17-32+00Z_dryrun=false_8acd3a87-2272-450f-a3b3-1eb222108740", "type": "promotion" }
Resolve environment errors that are preventing a promotion or a rollback
To resolve environment errors that are preventing a promotion or a rollback, open a support case:
Click Create a case.
Follow the steps in the case submission wizard by selecting your account and contract and answering questions about your tenant environments.
On the Please answer the following questions to help us understand the issue you’re facing page, enter the following details, and then click Next:
Field Value What product family is experiencing the issue?
Select PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud
What specific product is experiencing the issue?
Select Tenant Settings
What version of the product are you using?
Select NA
Which component is affected?
Select Self-Service Promotion
On the Tell us about the issue page, enter the following details, and then click Next:
Field Value Provide a descriptive title for your issue
Enter one of the following:
Resolve environment errors preventing a self-service promotion
Resolve environment errors preventing a self-service rollback
Describe the issue below
Enter the following details:
The error type, either:
An error has occurred during a self-service promotion to the development/staging/production environment
An error has occurred during a self-service rollback from the staging/production environment
The error code and message (API users only).
Click Submit.
Revert configuration in your development environment
To revert configuration in your development environment, open a support case:
Click Create a case.
Follow the steps in the case submission wizard by selecting your account and contract and answering questions about your tenant environments.
On the Please answer the following questions to help us understand the issue you’re facing page, enter the following details, and then click Next:
Field Value What product family is experiencing the issue?
Select PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud
What specific product is experiencing the issue?
Select Configuration
What version of the product are you using?
Select NA
On the Tell us about the issue page, enter the following details, and then click Next:
Field Value Provide a descriptive title for your issue
Select Restore from backup
Describe the issue below
Enter the following details:
The FQDN of the upper environment from the promotion you need to revert.
The environment name (Dev).
The date when you last had stable configuration, using the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Click Submit.