Set Failure Details node
The Set Failure Details node adds details to the JSON response when
a journey ends in failure. You can configure the node properties to return a
failure message and extra information in the form of static key:value
Product | Compatible? |
Advanced Identity Cloud |
Yes |
PingAM (self-managed) |
Yes |
Ping Identity Platform (self-managed) |
Yes |
Property | Usage | ||||||||||||
Failure Message |
The message to add to the JSON response when authentication fails: Add a custom, localized message per locale:
Failure Details |
The details to add to the JSON response on journey failure:
1 Specify a
locale that Java supports, such as en-gb
. Otherwise, the node throws a configuration exception with an Invalid locale provided
Single outcome path: when the journey ends in failure, this node adds the configured details to the JSON response.
This example uses the Set Failure Details node and assumes the following configuration:
- Failure Message
Your account is locked
- Failure Details
Exceeded max retries

The Page node containing the Platform Username node and Platform Password node prompts for credentials.
The Data Store Decision node validates the username-password credentials.
If authentication is successful:
The Increment Login Count node updates the number of successful authentications in the user profile.
The Set Success Details node adds any configured details to the JSON response.
If authentication fails:
The Retry Limit Decision node checks the number of failed authentications against the configured limit. If the retry limit is reached, the journey continues on the
outcome path. -
The Account Lockout node locks the account.
The Set Failure Details node displays the configured message to the user and adds both the message and the details to the JSON response.
For example:
{ "code":401, "reason":"Unauthorized", "message":"Your account is locked", "detail":{ "Reason":"Exceeded max retries" } }