OneSpan Auth Assign Authenticator node
The OneSpan Auth Assign Authenticator node assigns VIR10 authenticator to the user when:
There’s a VIR10 authenticator available in the tenant, and
The user isn’t assigned a VIR10 authenticator.
The node fails when it can’t find an unassigned VIR10 authenticator or encounters a node process exception.
The node first retrieves the user data. If the user is assigned an authenticator, the node loops through the authenticator list to determine if the user is assigned a VIR10 authenticator. If the user isn’t assigned a VIR10 authenticator, it assigns the first unassigned VIR10 authenticator to the user.
Product | Compatible? |
Advanced Identity Cloud |
Yes |
PingAM (self-managed) |
Yes |
Ping Identity Platform (self-managed) |
Yes |
This node requires the following inbound data:
Description | Attribute name | Source |
Username |
As specified in the property |
Shared state |
Delivery mode |
As specified in the property |
Shared state |
This node uses input from OneSpan Auth VDP User Registration node and any other node that collects the VOTP delivery method.
The configurable properties for this node are:
Property | Usage |
IAA Domain |
The domain in which the user account resides. In a sandbox, the domain is the same as your tenant name. |
User is successfully assigned to the VR10 authenticator.
Exception, Dateostid_error_message
OneSpan Auth Assign process.

This example describes an authentication journey to register a user for VOTP authentication, and assign a VIR10 authenticator:
In the initial login page, the user enters their username and the required VDP delivery information, such as their virtual email or phone number.
The OneSpan VDP User Register node determines if there’s an unassigned VIR10 authenticator available in the tenant. It also determines if the user isn’t already assigned a VIR10 authenticator.
If the user hasn’t been assigned a VIR10 authenticator, the OneSpan Auth Assign Authenticator node assigns a VIR10 authenticator to the user.
The OneSpan Sample Error Display node displays the error if the VIR10 authenticator assignment failed. It lets you retry assigning VIR10 authenticator.