Advanced Identity Cloud

Update Journey Timeout node


The Update Journey Timeout node updates the maximum duration of the pre-authentication session. You can either set a new timeout value to override the maximum duration or specify a timeout adjustment to modify the maximum duration.

You can use multiple instances of this node in a journey if required. For example, you could increase the maximum duration to allow the end user sufficient time to fetch a document, such as their passport. You could then increase it again to allow them to fetch a second document after they complete that step. Or you could have different timeouts for separate branches within the journey to accommodate different authentication requirements.


Product Compatible?

Advanced Identity Cloud


PingAM (self-managed)


Ping Identity Platform (self-managed)



This node reads the maximum duration of the pre-authentication session from the journey or the core authentication settings. Learn more in Maximum duration.


This node has no dependencies.


Property Usage


The timeout update operation.

Possible values are:

  • Set: This operation overrides the maximum duration of the pre-authentication session with the new value specified.

  • Modify: This operation modifies the maximum duration of the pre-authentication session by adding or subtracting the value specified.

    Make sure you consider the impact of modifying the pre-authentication session duration in all possible scenarios. For example, if a journey loops back through this node multiple times, it could be possible to end up with an infinite length session.


Enter the required value in minutes as follows:

  • If you’re using the Set operation, enter a positive integer to set the new maximum pre-authentication session duration.

  • If you’re using the Modify operation, enter a positive integer to increase the maximum pre-authentication session duration or a negative integer to decrease the maximum session duration by the specified value.

Values up to 2147483647 are allowed.


This node updates the maximum duration of the pre-authentication session and stores it in the shared state.


Single outcome path.


If the node can’t validate the configuration successfully, it logs An error occurred validating the update journey timeout node configuration.


This example uses the Update Journey Timeout node to increase the maximum pre-authentication session duration to give the end user time to fetch their passport. It then increases it further to allow them time to fetch another document after they’ve entered their passport details.

This example extends the default Registration journey to verify the end user’s email address, collect their passport details and collect details from an additional supporting document.

Increasing the maximum pre-authentication session duration
  • The Page node prompts for the same information as the default Registration journey.

  • The Email Suspend node sends an email to the user to verify their email address and suspends authentication.

    Authentication proceeds when the user clicks the link, confirming their email address.

  • The Create Object node stores the newly registered user’s profile.

  • The first Update Journey Timeout node increases the maximum session duration to 10 minutes with the following settings (this assumes the default of 5 minutes is unchanged):

    • Operation: Modify

    • Value: 5

  • The first Page node containing the Attribute Collector node prompts the user to input their passport details.

  • The second Update Journey Timeout node increases the maximum session duration to 14 minutes with the following settings:

    • Operation: Modify

    • Value: 4

  • The second Page node containing the Attribute Collector node prompts the user to input details from their supporting document.

  • The Patch Object node updates the user object with the collected details.

  • The Increment Login Count node updates the count on successful authentication.