User self-service overview
User self-service lets users create and manage their own accounts, while you control the available features. You manage features and user journeys through the Advanced Identity Cloud admin UI.
Nodes for self-service journeys
The following nodes are designed for self-service journeys, although you can use them in any journey.
User self-service journeys are further extensible through Marketplace nodes.
The following journeys are explored in this section:
- Registration
The sample Registration journey describes a basic registration flow, where Ping Identity Platform prompts the user to provide several profile attributes, then attempts to create the user and log the user in.
Learn more in User self-registration.
You can find information about configuring registration to include social identity providers in Social authentication.
- Login
The sample Login journey describes a basic login flow, where the user is prompted to provide a username and password, then passed to a progressive profile journey before being logged in.
Learn more in Login with self-service.
You can find information about including social identity providers in a login journey in Social authentication.
- Progressive Profiles
The sample Progressive Profile journey is called by the Login journey sample. It checks the login count to check whether further action is needed. If no action is required, it returns to the Login journey to complete logging in. If the specified number of logins is reached, it instead checks whether user preferences have been set, and if not, prompts the user to set those preferences. It then returns to the Login journey to finish logging in.
Learn more in Progressive profile.
- Password Reset
The Password Reset sample journey provides a method for users to reset their password by providing their email and answering some security questions. If the questions are answered correctly, the user is emailed a password reset link, which they must click to proceed. They are then presented with a password prompt to enter a new password.
Learn more in Password reset.
- Forgotten Username
The Forgotten Username sample journey gives users a method to recover their username by entering an email address. If the email address is associated with a user account, the account’s username will be emailed to the user. The email includes a link to log in, which will take the user through the Login journey.
Learn more in Username recovery.
- Update Password
The Update Password sample journey lets users change their passwords. The journey assumes that the user has already logged in successfully. It checks the user’s session data and, if the session is valid, prompts the user to update their password.
Learn more in Password updates.