OneSpan Auth Generate VOTP node
This node generates and delivers a virtual one-time passcode (VOTP) through the delivery method configured in the node if there’s a VIR10 authenticator assigned to the user.
This node first retrieves user data, then loops through the authenticator list to verify if the user is assigned a VR10 authenticator. If the user has been assigned a VIR10 authenticator, the node triggers the Generate VOTP API.
Product | Compatible? |
Advanced Identity Cloud |
Yes |
PingAM (self-managed) |
Yes |
Ping Identity Platform (self-managed) |
Yes |
This node requires the following inbound data:
Description | Attribute name | Source |
Username |
As specified in the property |
Shared state |
Password (optional) |
As specified in user attributes |
Transient state |
User attributes |
As specified in the property |
Shared state |
To use this node, you should have already set up Advanced Identity Cloud integration with OneSpan, as mentioned in Set up, and enabled user authentication through an OneSpan VIR10 authenticator.
The configurable properties for this node are:
Property | Usage |
IAA Domain |
The domain in which the user account resides. In a sandbox, the domain is the same as your tenant name. |
User Name In SharedState |
The key parameter in shared state that represents the OneSpan IAA username. |
VDP Delivery Method |
The mode in which VOTP is delivered. The available values are SMS, Email, Voice, and Default. |
User Attributes |
Supplementary information for registration in the key-value pair form:
To edit an entry, click the Pencil icon (). To remove an entry, click the Delete icon (). |

This example describes an authentication journey which generates VOTP to authenticate a user:
In the initial login page, the user enters their username and the required VDP delivery information, such as their virtual email or phone number.
The OneSpan Auth Generate VOTP node then generates and delivers the VOTP.
The OneSpan Sample Attributes Collect node accepts the VOTP for validation.
The OneSpan Auth User Login node invokes the User Login API, to validate the user’s login. Depending upon the outcome, it appropriately directs the further authentication flow.
If an error is encountered, the OneSpan Sample Error Display node displays the error.