Advanced Identity Cloud

TypingDNA Recorder node

This node collects typing behaviors and transforms them into typing patterns.


Product Compatible?

Advanced Identity Cloud


PingAM (self-managed)


Ping Identity Platform (self-managed)



This node does not read any input from the shared state.


Before using the TypingDNA nodes, you must set up Advanced Identity Cloud integration with TypingDNA as described in Step-by-step: TypingDNA as a 2FA factor in Ping.


Property Usage

Display Messages

Specify if the node should display messages for retry and enroll.

Show Visualizer

A visual representation of how the user types.

Disable copy and paste

Prevent the end user from copying and pasting the short phrase, to enforce typing analysis.

Recorder Target IDs

The identifiers of the typing patterns recorded by the TypingDNA recorder.

Submit button ID

When the user clicks the button, it triggers the TypingDNA Recorder node to record the typing pattern of the user. When the user submits the credentials, the recorded pattern is sent to the backend.


Single outcome path.


This node stores the following properties in the shared state:

  • TDNA_TEXT_TO_ENTER: The short phrase the end user was prompted to type.

  • TDNA_DEVICE_TYPE: The type of device from which the end user initiated the request

  • TDNA_TEXT_ID: The identifier of the typing pattern recorded.

  • TDNA_TYPING_PATTERN: The recorded typing pattern.


If this node logged an error, review the transaction log to find the reason for the error.