Authentications by type chart
The Authentications by type chart shows the distribution ratios of authentications by authentication method, for the specified period.

The following filters are available:
- Authentication method
Select or clear the authentication method check boxes to view authentication data by authentication method, for the specified methods.
- Success/Failure
Select one or both:
Success to view successful authentications.
Failure to view failed authentications.
- iOS/Android
Select or clear the iOS or Android check boxes to view authentication data by authentication method, for the specified mobile platforms.
- Amount/Percent
Select either:
Amount to view the number of authentications per authentication method.
Percent to view the authentications per authentication method as percentages of the total.
- Date range
Enter the Start date and End date to view authentication data for a specified date range. The default dates are the past day, week, month, six month, or year period selected.