The following classes are available globally.
BluetoothCollector is responsible for collecting BLE information of the device using CBPeripheralManager.
See moreDeclaration
public class BluetoothCollector : DeviceCollector
LocationCollector is responsible for collecting location information of the device using CLLocationManager.
LocationCollector requests location information by using ‘CLLocationManager.requestLocation()’ which only retrieves the location once at the time of request. Accuracy of location is ‘kCLLocationAccuracyBest’ by default, and can be changed throughFRProximity.setLocationAccuracy(accuracy:)
public class LocationCollector : NSObject, DeviceCollector
FRProximity SDK is subset of tools and functionalities consumed by FRAuth SDK related to proximity features (such as location, and BLE) in the device.
See more* FRProximity SDK contains codes that require following privacy consent in application's Info.plist: * NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription, or * NSLocationUsageDescription, or * NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription, or * NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription, and * NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription * FRProximity automatically starts upon FRAuth.start(); FRAuth SDK automatically detects FRProximity presence in the application's bundle, and initiates FRProximity * FRProximity does not explicitly request user's permission for above privacy consent; FRProximity simply checks whether the permission has been granted or not, and executes if the permission is granted.
@objc public final class FRProximity : NSObject