Changing certificates from SHA-1 to SHA-2 in PingFederate
Use your Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to generate SHA-2 certificates and import them into PingFederate to replace default SHA-1 certificates for better security.
Before you begin
PingFederate earlier than version 8
Ensure that you have installed a JVM.
About this task
PingFederate generates SHA-1 certificates by default prior to version 8. Use these instructions to create an SHA-2 certificate with keytool
and import it into PingFederate.
If using JDK 1.9 or later, skip to step 4. If using an earlier version, download the JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files:
For JDK 1.8:
For JDK 1.7:
For JDK 1.6:
Java versions 1.9 and later include the appropriate policy files and use them by default.
. These .jar files already exist in the JCE, so you must overwrite them. If you have a cluster, do this for each node. -
Restart PingFederate.
When signing keypairs, use
to generate a self-signed certificate in apkcs12
keystore instead of the default.jks
type.keytool -genkeypair -alias sha256 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -sigalg SHA256withRSA -keystore sha256.p12 -storepass 2Federate -storetype pkcs12
Import the
file into the appropriate PingFederate keystore using the administration console. Replicate the configuration change to all nodes within a cluster by clicking Cluster Management → Replicate Cluster Configuration. -
Export the public key certificate using either the administration console or the following command:
keytool -exportcert -alias sha256 -keystore sha256.p12 -storepass 2Federate -storetype pkcs12 -file cert_name.crt
To view the contents of the public key certificate, enter the following command:
keytool -printcert -file cert_name.crt