Uses of Class
Packages that use LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3
This package provides an alternative localization mechanism to
.APIs for implementing REST to LDAP gateways.
Defines all the messages that may be used in the Directory Server and tools.
Contains various implementations of Directory Server APIs that are not appropriate for other packages.
Contains implementations for a number of Directory Server data types.
Uses of LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3 in org.forgerock.i18n.slf4j
Methods in org.forgerock.i18n.slf4j with parameters of type LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3Modifier and TypeMethodDescription<T1,
T2, T3> void LocalizedLogger.error
(LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<T1, T2, T3> d, T1 a1, T2 a2, T3 a3) Logs an error message.<T1,
T2, T3> void
(LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<T1, T2, T3> d, T1 a1, T2 a2, T3 a3) Logs a message at INFO level.<T1,
T2, T3> void LocalizedLogger.note
(LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<T1, T2, T3> d, T1 a1, T2 a2, T3 a3) Logs a message at NOTICE level.<T1,
T2, T3> void LocalizedLogger.warn
(LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<T1, T2, T3> d, T1 a1, T2 a2, T3 a3) Logs a warning message. -
Uses of LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3 in org.forgerock.opendj.rest2ldap
Fields in org.forgerock.opendj.rest2ldap declared as LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionRest2ldapMessages.ERR_ERROR_RESPONSE
An error occurred while processing the request '%s': '%s' (details: '%s')
The value could not be parsed as valid JSON because a syntax error was detected on line %d column %d: %s
The patch request cannot be processed because it attempts to modify the internal field '%s' of object '%s'. This capability is not currently supported by Rest2Ldap. Applications should instead perform a patch which replaces the entire object '%s'
The property "%s" in resource "%s" specifies a resourcePath "%s" that cannot be found in the configuration
The property "%s" in resource "%s" specifies a resourcePath "%s" which points beyond the root of the resource tree
Uses of LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3 in org.opends.messages
Fields in org.opends.messages declared as LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionServerMessages.DSBACKUP_BACKUP_PROGRESS_STATUS
Backing up file (%d/%d) '%s'
An error occurred while attempting to restore backend '%s' with backup ID '%s': %s
Purging backup (%d/%d) '%s'
Restoring file (%d/%d) '%s'
Verifying file (%d/%d) '%s'
An error occurred during conflict resolution synchronization processing for the add operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
An error occurred during postoperation synchronization processing for the add operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
An error occurred during preoperation synchronization processing for the add operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
The provided value "%s" could not be parsed as a valid distinguished name because character '%c' at position %d is not allowed in an attribute name
The provided value "%s" could not be parsed as a valid distinguished name because character '%c' at position %d is not valid
The provided value "%s" could not be parsed as a valid distinguished name because the next non-space character after attribute name "%s" should have been an equal sign but instead was '%c'
Error while enabling confidentiality with cipher %s, %d bits: %s
No index exists with the requested name '%s' in base DN '%s' and backend '%s'
The ds-cfg-exclude-filter attribute of configuration entry %s, which specifies a set of search filters that may be used to control which entries are excluded from the cache, has an invalid value of "%s": %s
The ds-cfg-include-filter attribute of configuration entry %s, which specifies a set of search filters that may be used to control which entries are included in the cache, has an invalid value of "%s": %s
Unable to create an instance of class %s referenced in configuration entry %s as a Directory Server backend: %s
'%s' cannot list the secret files in directory '%s', all the secrets will be ignored: %s
Unable to load class %s referenced in configuration entry %s for use as a Directory Server backend: %s
An error happened trying to rename a conflicting entry. DN: %s, Operation: %s, Result: %s
An error occurred when retrieving attribute value for attribute '%s' for entry DN '%s' in changelog backend : %s
An exception was encountered while trying to encode a replication %s message for entry "%s" into an External Change Log entry: %s
An error occurred when searching base DN '%s' with filter '%s' in changelog backend : %s
Could not position and read newest record from log file '%s'. Current thread is '%s'. Error was: %s
Unable to position reader to key '%s' using strategy '%s' on log '%s'. Changelog may be corrupted. Directory servers connected to this replication server may need to be reinitialized
The change number index could not be reset to start with %d in base DN '%s' because starting CSN '%s' does not exist in the change log
Could not add record '%s' in log file '%s': %s
Could not get or create change number index DB in root path '%s', using path '%s': %s
Could not create directory '%s' for server id %s: %s
Could not delete generation id file '%s' for DN '%s': %s
Could not create a new domain id %s for domain DN %s and save it in the domain state file. Replication will continue, but if the domain state file cannot be written when stopping the server, it should be restored from backup. Cause was : %s
Changelog file %s should be version %d, but found version %d. Likely causes for this error: the server binaries were accidentally downgraded, data was restored from a file system backup taken on a more recent version of the server, or the changelog file was corrupted. If the server was downgraded, upgrade it. If the data was restored from a file system backup, restore it again from a recent, valid file system backup taken on the same version of the server. Otherwise, as last resort, remove the changelog by running the 'dsrepl clear-changelog' command and restart the server
Error while processing common audit log publisher %s, the keystore file %s could not be read: %s
Error while processing common audit log publisher %s, the keystore pin file %s could not be read: %s
Error while reading JSON configuration file %s while creating common audit external log publisher %s: %s
Error while processing common audit log publisher %s, time of the day value '%s' for fixed time log rotation policy is not valid, it should use a 24-hour format "HHmm" : %s
An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as an account status notification handler as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as an alert handler as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
Unable to set the value for configuration attribute %s because the provided value %d is greater than the largest allowed value of %d
Unable to set the value for configuration attribute %s because the provided value %d is less than the lowest allowed value of %d
Unable to set the value for integer configuration attribute %s because the provided value %s cannot be interpreted as an integer value: %s
An error occurred while attempting to instantiate class %s referenced in the access control configuration entry %s: %s
An error occurred while trying to initialize a backend loaded from class %s with the information in configuration entry %s: %s. This backend will be disabled
The Directory Server was unable to load class %s and use it to create a backend instance as defined in configuration entry %s. The error that occurred was: %s. This backend will be disabled
An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as a certificate mapper as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
%s.%s returned a result of null for entry %s
An error occurred while trying to initialize a connection handler loaded from class %s with the information in configuration entry %s: %s. This connection handler will be disabled
An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as an extended operation handler as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
Class %s specified in configuration entry %s does not contain a valid extended operation handler implementation: %s
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to add configuration entry %s as a child of entry %s: %s
The Directory Server is unwilling to add configuration entry %s because one of the add listeners registered with the parent entry %s rejected this change with the message: %s
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to remove configuration entry %s as a child of entry %s: %s
Entry %s cannot be removed from the Directory Server configuration because one of the delete listeners registered with the parent entry %s rejected this change with the message: %s
The first entry read from LDIF configuration file %s had a DN of "%s" rather than the expected "%s" which should be used as the Directory Server configuration root
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to modify configuration entry %s as a child of entry %s: %s
An error occurred while attempting to rename the new Directory Server configuration from file %s to %s: %s
The HTTP endpoint configuration defined in %s is referencing mutually exclusive authorization DNs %s and %s
An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as an HTTP endpoint as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as an identity mapper as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
Index for attribute '%s' cannot be created because the configuration contains an included attribute value '%s' which appears to be invalid according to the schema: %s
Unable to retrieve JMX attribute %s associated with configuration entry %s: %s
An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as a key manager provider as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
Class %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-java-class of configuration entry %s cannot be instantiated as a Directory Server access logger: %s
Class %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-java-class of configuration entry %s cannot be instantiated as a Directory Server debug logger: %s
Class %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-java-class of configuration entry %s cannot be instantiated as a Directory Server error logger: %s
Class %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-java-class of configuration entry %s cannot be instantiated as a Directory Server HTTP access logger: %s
An error occurred while attempting to open the configured log file %s for logger %s: %s
The OAuth2 authorization mechanism defined in %s contains an invalid JSON Pointer %s: %s
The authorization mechanism defined in %s is referencing an invalid URL %s: %s
An error occurred while attempting to initialize an instance of class %s as a Directory Server plugin using the information in configuration entry %s: %s. This plugin will be disabled
An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as a password generator as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as a password storage scheme as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as a password validator as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
Invalid configuration element from %s in the REST2LDAP endpoint configuration entry %s: %s
Unable to read the configuration from %s in the REST2LDAP endpoint configuration entry %s: %s
Class %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-java-class of configuration entry %s cannot be instantiated as a Directory Server log retention policy: %s
Class %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-java-class of configuration entry %s cannot be instantiated as a Directory Server log rotation policy: %s
An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as a SASL mechanism handler as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
The schema provider class '%s' could not be instantiated or initialized with the configuration '%s' : %s
An error occurred while attempting to instantiate class %s referenced in synchronization provider configuration entry %s: %s
An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as a trust manager provider as defined in configuration entry %s: %s
An error occurred while trying to load an instance of class %s referenced in configuration entry %s as a virtual attribute provider: %s
Unable to parse value "%s" from config entry "%s" as a valid search filter: %s
The virtual attribute configuration in entry "%s" is not valid because attribute type %s is single-valued but provider %s may generate multiple values
An error occurred while parsing the search filter %s defined for VLV index %s: %s
Unable to initialize an instance of class %s as a work queue as specified in configuration entry %s: %s
Worker thread "%s" has experienced too many repeated failures while attempting to retrieve the next operation from the work queue (%d failures experienced, maximum of %d failures allowed). This worker thread will be destroyed
Could not add change %s to replicaDB %s %s because flushing thread is shutting down
CryptoManager symmetric key attribute value "%s" syntax is invalid. Parsing failed in field "%s" at offset %d
An error occurred during conflict resolution synchronization processing for the delete operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
An error occurred during postoperation synchronization processing for the delete operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
An error occurred during preoperation synchronization processing for the delete operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
The free space (%s) on the disk containing directory "%s" is below full threshold for the following subsystems: %s. Write operations to the backend, replication updates included, will fail until the free space rises above the threshold
The free space (%s) on the disk containing directory "%s" is between low and full threshold for the following subsystems: %s. Write operations are only permitted by a user with the BYPASS_LOCKDOWN privilege until the free space rises above the threshold. Replication updates are still allowed
"%s" (low=%s, full=%s)
Directory server %s was attempting to connect to replication server %s but an error occurred in handshake phase. Error: %s
Received invalid requested status %s in DS replication domain %s with server id %s
Changelog on replication server '%s' no longer contains changes for domain '%s' which are required by replica '%s'. The replica will no longer receive replicated changes and must be re-initialized
An error occurred while clearing the changelog for the domain '%s'. This server will not be able to connect to the servers which have already completed the disaster recovery procedure. Make sure the filesystem at '%s' is readable with delete permissions and try again. The error is: %s
An error occurred while rewriting replication data for the domain '%s'. This server will not be able to connect to the servers which already have received the disaster recovery procedure. Make sure the filesystem at %s is writeable and there is some free disk space and try again. The error is: %s
Cannot add the entry '%s' to the server '%s'. The error was: %s
Cannot add '%s' to the bootstrap replication server list on server '%s'. The error was: %s
Cannot add '%s' to the configuration of replication server on server '%s'. The error was: %s
Cannot determine server ID for server '%s' on DNs '%s' and '%s'
Cannot modify the entry '%s' on server '%s' to reconcile it with what is expected by the tool. The error was: %s
Cannot read the entry '%s' on server '%s'. The error was: %s
Cannot use server ID '%s' for the local server because it is already used by server '%s' (configuration object %s)
Unable to decode value "%s" in entry "%s" as an LDAP URL: %s
An error occurred while attempting to import LDIF file '%s' into embedded server with server root '%s': '%s'
An error occurred while attempting to import LDIF file '%s' into embedded server with server root '%s'. Import LDIF task state was '%s'. You can look at the task logs printed on the embedded server output stream for more details
An error occurred while attempting to extract server archive '%s' before setup of embedded server with server root '%s': %s
No clear-text password was specified. Use --%s, --%s or --%s to specify the password to encode
Could not start connection handler %s with listen addresses "%s". The error was: %s
ID string %s could not be mapped to exactly one user. It maps at least to both '%s' and '%s'
Caught IOException while changing status for domain %s and serverId: %s after reset for generation id: %s
Caught IOException while changing status for domain %s and serverId: %s from status analyzer: %s
Replication broker with dn %s and server id %s failed to signal status change because of: %s
The certificate with fingerprint '%s' could not be mapped to exactly one user. It maps at least to both '%s' and '%s'
The keystore type %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-key-store-type of configuration entry %s is not valid: %s
The trust store type %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-trust-store-type of configuration entry %s is not valid: %s
Cannot start total update in domain "%s" from this directory server DS(%s): cannot find remote directory server DS(%s)
Domain %s (server id: %s) : remote exporter server disconnection (server id: %s ) detected during initialization
JMX connection %s with JMX connection ID '%s' has been disconnected because it received a '%s' notification
The server attempted to send a response to the %s operation (conn=%d, op=%d), but the operation did not have a result code. This could indicate that the operation did not complete properly or that it is one that is not allowed to have a response. Using a generic 'Operations Error' response
An unexpected failure occurred while trying to process a request of type %s (LDAP message ID %d): %s. The client connection will be terminated
The user "%s" could not be authenticated using LDAP PTA policy "%s" because the bind failed unexpectedly for the following reason: %s
The user "%s" could not be authenticated using LDAP PTA policy "%s" because the search failed unexpectedly for the following reason: %s
The user "%s" could not be authenticated using LDAP PTA policy "%s" because the search did not return any entries matching the filter "%s"
The user "%s" could not be authenticated using LDAP PTA policy "%s" because the following mapping attributes were not found in the user's entry: %s
An extended response message would have been sent to an LDAPv2 client (connection ID=%d, operation ID=%d): %s. LDAPv2 does not allow extended operations, so this response will not be sent
A search performed by an LDAPv2 client (connection ID=%d, operation ID=%d) would have included a search result reference %s. Referrals are not allowed for LDAPv2 clients, so this search reference will not be sent
LDIF file %s configured for use with the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s has multiple entries with a DN of %s
LDIF file %s configured for use with the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s includes entry %s which is not below the base DN defined for that backend
An error occurred while trying to close file %s for the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s: %s
An error occurred while trying to create file %s to write an updated version of the data for the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s: %s
An error occurred while trying to write updated data to file %s for the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s: %s
LDIF file %s configured for use with the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s contains entry %s but its parent entry has not yet been read
An error occurred while the LDIF connection handler was attempting to rename partially-processed file from %s to %s: %s
Unable to parse LDIF entry starting at line %d because it was not possible to base64-decode the DN on line "%s": %s
An error occurred while attempting to determine whether LDIF entry "%s" starting at line %d should be imported as a result of the include and exclude filter configuration: %s
Unable to parse LDIF entry %s starting at line %d because it has an invalid binary option for attribute %s
Unable to parse LDIF entry starting at line %d because an error occurred while trying to parse the value of line "%s" as a distinguished name: %s
Entry %s starting at line %d includes multiple values for single-valued attribute %s
Entry %s read from LDIF starting at line %d is not valid because it violates the server's schema configuration: %s
Proxy backend '%s' is being deregistered from base DN %s because local backend '%s' is registering against it. Local backends take precedence over proxy backends
The message with ID %d has been generated %d times in the last second: %s
Error occurred while enforcing retention policy %s for logger %s: %s
Error occurred while opening log file %s for logger %s: %s
An error occurred during conflict resolution synchronization processing for the modify DN operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
An error occurred during postoperation synchronization processing for the modify DN operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
An error occurred during preoperation synchronization processing for the modify DN operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
Entry %s cannot be modified because it would have resulted in one or more duplicate values for attribute %s: %s
When attempting to modify entry %s, one value for attribute %s was found to be invalid according to the associated syntax: %s
Entry %s cannot be modified because the attempt to update attribute %s would have removed one or more values from the attribute that were not present: %s
Entry %s cannot be modified because an attempt was made to increment the value of attribute %s but the value "%s" could not be parsed as an integer
When attempting to modify entry %s to replace the set of values for attribute %s, one value was found to be invalid according to the associated syntax: %s
An error occurred during conflict resolution synchronization processing for the modify operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
An error occurred during postoperation synchronization processing for the modify operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
An error occurred during preoperation synchronization processing for the modify operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s
The LDIF import plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked on entry %s: %s
The post-connect plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d from %s. This is an illegal response, and the connection will be terminated
The post-disconnect plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d from %s. This is an illegal response
An error occurred while attempting to encode a password value stored in attribute %s of user entry %s: %s. Password values for this user will not be encoded
The referential integrity plugin defined in configuration entry %s is configured to operate on attribute %s but there is no equality index defined for this attribute in backend %s
The entry referenced by the value '%s' of the attribute '%s' in the entry '%s' does not exist in any of the configured naming contexts
The entry referenced by the value '%s' of the attribute '%s' in the entry '%s' does not belong to any of the configured naming contexts
The startup plugin defined in configuration entry %s encountered an error when it was invoked during the Directory Server startup process: %s (error ID %d). The server startup process has been aborted
The subordinate delete plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %s. This is an illegal response, and processing on this operation will be terminated
The subordinate modify DN plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %s. This is an illegal response, and processing on this operation will be terminated
A unique attribute conflict was detected for attribute %s: value %s already exists in entry %s
The unique attribute plugin defined in configuration entry %s is configured to operate on attribute %s but there is no equality index defined for this attribute in backend %s
Proxy backend '%s' cannot register itself against base DN %s because this base DN is already registered against backend '%s'
The partition base DN '%s' should be subordinate to one of the base DNs %s of proxy backend '%s'
The partition base DN '%s' shouldn't be subordinate to one of the other partition base DNs %s of proxy backend '%s'
The password policy definition contained in configuration entry "%s" is invalid because the specified password attribute "%s" has a syntax OID of %s. The password attribute must have a syntax OID of either (for the user password syntax) or (for the authentication password syntax)
The subentry %s using the %s objectclass cannot define validators using the new %s objectclass
The subentry %s cannot use both %s and %s objectclasses
The subentry %s using the %s objectclass cannot define validators using the old %s objectclass
The password for user %s could not be validated because the password policy subentry %s is referring to an unknown password validator (%s). Please make sure the password policy subentry only refers to validators that exist on all replicas
The password policy definition contained in configuration entry "%s" is invalid because the password validator "%s" specified in attribute "%s" cannot be found
Unable to decode value "%s" for attribute %s in user entry %s as a Boolean value
An error occurred while attempting to decode the ds-pwp-password-policy-dn value "%s" in user entry "%s" as a DN: %s
Received change status message does not come from a directory server (dn: %s, server id: %s, msg: %s)
An error occurred while attempting to load class %s specified in attribute %s of the provided recurring task entry: %s. Does this class exist in the Directory Server classpath?
File based key manager provider '%s' cannot load content from keystore file '%s'. TLS connections which rely on this key manager provider may fail. Restarting the server or the impacted connection handler may resolve this problem. Error detail: %s
File based trust manager provider '%s' cannot load content from truststore file '%s'. TLS connections which rely on this trust manager provider may fail. Restarting the server or the impacted connection handler may resolve this problem. Error detail: %s
The processed ID string %s could not be mapped to exactly one user. It maps at least to both '%s' and '%s'
Unable to register base DN %s with the Directory Server for backend %s because that base DN is already registered for backend %s
Unable to register base DN %s with the Directory Server for backend %s because that backend already contains another base DN %s that is not subordinate to the same base DN in the parent backend
Unable to register base DN %s with the Directory Server for backend %s because that backend already contains another base DN %s that is within the same hierarchical path
Unable to register base DN %s with the Directory Server for backend %s because that backend already contains one or more other base DNs that are subordinate to backend %s but the new base DN is not
Initialization of domain '%s' interrupted: no data received from the remote exporter '%s' for %s
For replicated domain %s, in server with serverId=%s, the generation ID could not be set to value %s in the rest of the topology because this server is NOT connected to any replication server. You should check in the configuration that the domain is enabled and that there is one replication server up and running
Unwilling to perform a search (connection ID %d, operation ID %d) with a base DN of "%s" in the root DSE backend. The base DN for searches in this backend must be the DN of the root DSE itself
Unable to process the search with connection ID %d and operation ID %d because it had an invalid scope of %s
Replication server %s was attempting to connect to replication server %s but an error occurred in handshake phase. Error: %s
Replication server received invalid initial status: %s for replication domain %s from server id %s
Received invalid new status %s in RS for replication domain %s and directory server id %s
An error occurred while attempting to decode the SASL %s username "%s" because it appeared to contain a DN but DN decoding failed: %s
An error occurred while attempting to retrieve user entry %s as specified in the DN-based username of a SASL %s bind request: %s
An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the clear-text password(s) for user %s in order to perform SASL %s authentication: %s
An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the SCRAM credentials for user '%s' in order to perform SASL %s authentication: %s
The certificate with subject %s could not be mapped to exactly one user. It maps at least to both '%s' and '%s'
Mapping %s in configuration entry %s references attribute %s which is not defined in the server schema
Unable to find a file containing concatenated schema element definitions in order to determine if any schema changes were made with the server offline. The file was expected in the %s directory and should have been named either %s or %s
The certificate with subject %s could not be mapped to exactly one user. It maps at least to both '%s' and '%s'
'%s' cannot decode the secret file '%s': %s
Could not retrieve auto-configuration data from directory server '%s' for replication server group '%s'. Exception : %s"
Could not retrieve the list of replicas from replication server '%s' for replication server group '%s'. Exception : %s
Could not access the %s keystore '%s'. Check that the content of the file corresponds to a valid keystore, that you have access rights to it and that a valid password has been provided if needed. Error details: %s
Could not read the %s keystore '%s' entries. Check that the content of the file corresponds to a valid keystore, that you have access rights to it and that a valid password has been provided if needed. Error details: %s
Could not access the %s truststore '%s'. Check that the content of the file corresponds to a valid truststore, that you have access rights to it and that a valid password has been provided if needed. Error details: %s
An error occurred while copying file '%s' into '%s': '%s'
Error in profile '%s': the default value for parameter '%s' cannot be derived from the SetupConfiguration method '%s' because no such method exists
Setup profile parameter '%s' references the profile '%s' which has not been provided on the command line. Setup profiles can be added on the command line with the '%s' option
Administration connector port '%d' is not in allowed range %d, %d
HTTP port '%d' is not in allowed range %d, %d
HTTPS port '%d' is not in allowed range %d, %d
LDAP port '%d' is not in allowed range %d, %d
LDAPS port '%d' is not in allowed range %d, %d
Port '%d' is not in allowed range %d, %d
Replication port '%d' is not in allowed range %d, %d
Unable to encode password associated to parameter '%s' of profile '%s' (%s)
The value for password parameter '%s' of profile '%s' is invalid (%s)
An error occurred while substituting properties from profile '%s' resource file '%s': %s
An error occurred while attempting to send an account status notification message for notification type %s for user entry %s: %s
Unable to parse message subject value '%s' from configuration entry '%s' because '%s' is not a valid account status notification type
An error occurred while attempting to parse message template file '%s' referenced in configuration entry '%s': %s
Unable to parse message template file path value '%s' from configuration entry '%s' because '%s' is not a valid account status notification type
The notification-user-attr token starting at column %d of line %d references undefined attribute type %s
The notification-property token starting at column %d of line %d references undefined notification property %s
An unrecognized token %s was found at column %d of line %d
An error occurred while attempting to rename file %s to %s for use as the ".startok" configuration file: %s
An error occurred while attempting to copy the current configuration from file %s into temporary file %s for use as the ".startok" configuration file: %s
Unable to add one or more files to the server schema because an error occurred while attempting to determine whether file %s exists in schema directory %s: %s
An error occurred while attempting to load class %s specified in attribute %s of the provided task entry: %s. Does this class exist in the Directory Server classpath?
An error occurred while attempting to read an entry from the tasks backing file %s on or near line %d: %s. This is an unrecoverable error, and parsing cannot continue
An error occurred while attempting to read an entry from the tasks backing file %s on or near line %d: %s. This is not a fatal error, so the task scheduler will attempt to continue parsing the file and schedule any additional tasks that it contains
An error occurred while attempting to rename the new tasks backing file from %s to %s: %s. If the Directory Server is restarted, then the task scheduler may not work as expected
%s encountered an uncaught exception while processing operation %s: %s
%s in Replication Server=%s, an initialization message of type %s cannot be sent to its destination server. Details: routing table is empty
%s message of type %s cannot be routed. Details: %s
%s for domain %s cannot route message of type %s to all the replicas in the topology because none are reachable
An error occurred while copying OpenDMK jar file '%s' to '%s': %s
Invalid sequence for task version: task %s tried to register for version %s but the previous task used a higher version: %s. This suggests there is a copy/paste error in the version number
The file '%s' could not be renamed to '%s': %s
File dn2id has ID %d instead of %d for key %s
File id2childrenCount has wrong number of children for DN <%s> (got %d, expecting %d)
Unable to decode "%s" as the target DN for group %s: %s
Log file '%s' was successfully recovered by removing unreadable records. The file changed size from %d to %d bytes.
An internal error prevented the Directory Server from properly registering the client connection from %s to %s with an appropriate request handler: %s
Starting initialization from '%s' to '%s' for base DNs: %s
Generating stack dump, sample number : %d using %s for pid %d
Proxy backend '%s' automatically registered itself against the base DNs %s. It was previously registered against the base DNs %s
Directory server DS(%s) did not find a generation ID for domain '%s'. A new generation ID will be computed by exporting the first %d entries in the domain
Replication server accepted a connection from %s to local address %s but the SSL handshake failed. This is probably benign, but may indicate a transient network outage or a misconfigured client application connecting to this replication server. The error was: %s
%s task %s scheduled to start %s
The server '%s' may retry the initialization process because the server '%s' in domain '%s' is temporarily unreachable
%d hours, %d minutes, %d seconds
Ignoring reset generation ID request from '%s' to '%s' for replica '%s' because the replica is being re-initialized
The requested change to configuration entry %s would cause the class for the associated backend to change from %s to %s. This change will not take effect until the backend is disabled and re-enabled, or until the Directory Server is restarted
Directory server DS(%s) for domain "%s" has changed its status to %s
%s (build %s, revision number %s) starting up
The free space (%s) on the disk containing directory "%s" is now above the low threshold for the following subsystems: %s
This replica `%s` has received a notification from its replication server `%s` to stop processing updates for domain `%s` as part of a disaster recovery procedure. This replica must be reinitialized as part of the recovery procedure
Exported %d records and skipped %d (recent rate %.1f/sec)
Finished total update: exported domain "%s" from this directory server DS(%s) to all remote directory servers. %s
Starting total update: exporting %d entries in domain "%s" from this directory server DS(%s) to all remote directory servers
Starting total update: importing domain "%s" from remote directory server DS(%s) to this directory server DS(%s)
Index %s phase two started processing %d buffers in %d batches
Total import time was %d seconds. Phase one processing completed in %d seconds, phase two processing completed in %d seconds
%s starting import (build %s, R%s)
JVM Host: %s, running %s, unknown physical memory size, number of processors available %d
Service discovery mechanism has changed from '%s' to '%s' for proxy backend '%s'. The existing connections are being closed immediately
An I/O error occurred while reading replication messages from %s. The connection will close and replication server (%s) will not process any more updates from it. Reported error is: %s
Rebuild complete. Processed %d entries in %d seconds (average rate %.1f/sec)
Replication server RS(%s) started listening for new connections on address %s port %d
RS(%s) groupId '%s' has lower priority than groupId '%s' which matched at least one other RS
RS(%s) has no generation Id, but at least one other RS has the same generation Id %s as DS(%s)
%s task %s finished execution in the state %s
An unresolved conflict was detected in CSN %s replaying an ADD of "%s" which already exists (adding as "%s"). Consider reviewing both entries and either merge the contents manually or delete one
An unresolved conflict was detected in CSN %s replaying an ADD of "%s" as the parent entry is missing (adding as "%s"). Consider restoring the parent entry, or deleting the new entry
An unresolved conflict was detected in CSN %s replaying a MODIFYDN of "%s" as the new parent entry "%s" does not exist. Consider restoring the parent entry, or deleting this entry
"%s", located in the entry "%s", because of the following reason: %s
An error occurred while attempting to determine whether hostname %s referenced in dns expression bind rule "%s" used the correct canonical representation: %s. This likely means that the provided hostname will never match any clients
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule dns expression value "%s" references hostname %s, but the canonical representation for that hostname is configured to be %s. The server will attempt to automatically interpret the correct localhost value
The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) targetcontrol OID value "%s" could not be parsed because the value contained an illegal character %c at position %d
Entry "%s" contains a value for attribute %s that is invalid according to the syntax for that attribute: %s
Property '%s' contains value '%s' which cannot be parsed as a long. Defaulting to '%s' bytes for small DB size
'%s' cannot read the secret file '%s': %s
Directory server DS(%s) was unable to connect to replication server at %s for domain '%s': unknown host
Schema configuration file %s in directory %s cannot be parsed because an unexpected error occurred while trying to open the file for reading: %s
Schema configuration file %s in directory %s cannot be parsed because an unexpected error occurred while trying to read its contents as an LDIF entry: %s
Directory server DS(%s) was unable to connect to any of the following replication servers for domain "%s": %s
A transient problem occurred while Directory Server %s was connecting to this Replication Server %s. The peer server may try to establish a connection again. The problem was: %s
Directory server %s stopped the handshake process with replication server %s because it received the unexpected message '%s'
The exact match identity mapper defined in configuration entry %s references attribute type %s which does not have an equality index defined in backend %s
An error occurred while attempting to update the password policy state information for user %s as part of a password modify extended operation (result code='%s', error message='%s')
The search filter "%s" used by group implementation %s is not indexed in backend %s. Backend initialization for this group implementation might take a very long time to complete
Found %d conflicting password policy subentries for user %s, used %s
Directory server DS(%s) was unable to connect to replication server %s for domain "%s". Please check that there is a replication server listening at this address
Proxy backend '%s' cannot failover: only primary servers have been discovered via the service discovery mechanism '%s'. Primary servers are %s
Proxy backend '%s' cannot failover: only secondary servers have been discovered via the service discovery mechanism '%s'. Secondary servers are %s
The server '%s' for proxy backend '%s' is unavailable. The last failure that prevented the server from being used was: %s
The regular expression identity mapper defined in configuration entry %s references attribute type %s which does not have an equality index defined in backend %s
Backend %s already contains entry %s which has just been registered as the base DN for backend %s. These conflicting entries can cause unexpected or errant search results, and both backends should be reinitialized to ensure that each has the correct content
Replication delay for '%s' is above %dms, current delay: %dms
A transient problem occurred while Replication Server %s was connecting to this Replication Server %s. The Replication Server should try to reconnect later. The problem was: %s
The subject attribute to user attribute certificate mapper defined in configuration entry %s references attribute type %s which does not have an equality index defined in backend %s
'%s' has ignored the file '%s' either because the certificate does not contain the key usage extension '%s', or because the file does not contain the appropriate key types
Cannot connect to replica '%s' for replication service discovery mechanism '%s'. The replica entry is: %s
An error occurred when trying to send an e-mail message for administrative alert with type %s and message %s: %s
An error occurred while attempting to rename the current tasks backing file from %s to %s: %s. The previous task configuration (which does not reflect the latest update) may be lost
Directory server DS(%s) timed out while connecting to replication server %s for domain "%s"
A transient problem occurred while DS(%s) was connecting to RS(%s), Directory Server will try to connect again. Problem was: %s
The server is performing an unindexed internal search request with base DN '%s', scope '%s', and filter '%s'. Unindexed internal searches are usually unexpected and could impact performance. Please verify that this backend's indexes are configured correctly for these search parameters
Unable to find the task backend file location in the configuration file %s, entry '%s' or attribute '%s' is missing
Configuration attribute %s has distinct values in replication domain configuration entries. Migration to replication synchronization provider configuration will keep only one value, '%s' and discarded '%s'
Uses of LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3 in org.opends.server.extensions
Methods in org.opends.server.extensions with parameters of type LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(Dn cfgDn, Set<Dn> cfgBaseDNs, Collection<AttributeType> attrTypes, LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object, Object, Object> notIndexedMsg, ConfigChangeResult ccr, BackendConfigManager backendConfigManager) Checks whether all the attribute types are indexed for equality. -
Uses of LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3 in org.opends.server.types
Methods in org.opends.server.types with parameters of type LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
(Entry entry, Attribute attribute, LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object, Object, Object, Object> invalidSyntaxErrorMsg, LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object, Object, Object> invalidSyntaxNoValueErrorMsg, LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> rejectErrorMsg) Checks whether an attribute's values conform to its syntax.