
Checking the status of replication in an entry-balancing deployment

You can use the dsreplication status tool to check the status of an entry-balancing deployment.

About this task

In this example, the ou=people,dc=example,dc=com subtree is entry-balanced.

The data is split into two sets, set1 and set2. The servers host1 and host2 are in replication set set1 and servers host3 and host4 are in replication set set2.


  • To get a status of replication in the entry-balancing deployment, run the dsreplication command.

    By default, all of the sets are displayed. To view only a specific replication set, use the --setName option.


    $ bin/dsreplication status --hostname \
      --port 1389 --adminUID admin --adminPassword secret


    Screenshot of the replication status check using dsconfig.