dsconfig non-interactive mode command">


Getting the equivalent dsconfig non-interactive mode command

Find the command you want to use in non-interactive command-line mode by looking it up in interactive mode.


  1. Use dsconfig in interactive mode to make changes to a configuration, but do not enter the letter f to apply the changes.

  2. To view the equivalent non-interactive command, enter d.

  3. View the equivalent command, and then press Enter to continue.

Based on an example in the previous section, changes made to the db-cache-percent returns the following message.

Command line to apply pending changes to this Local DB Backend: dsconfig set-backend-prop --backend-name userRoot --set db-cache-percent:40

The command does not contain the LDAP connection parameters required for the tool to connect to the host because the command is presumed to be used to connect to a different remote host.