Package org.forgerock.oauth2.core.plugins

@Supported package org.forgerock.oauth2.core.plugins
This package contains the API for writing OAuth2 plugins.
  • Interfaces
    A plugin or (extension point) that allows modification of the OAuth2 access token before the token is persisted/returned to the client.
    A plugin or (extension point) that allows the OAuth2 provider to return additional data from an authorization request.
    A plugin or (extension point) that evaluates and returns an OAuth2 access token's scope information.
    A plugin or (extension point) that allows the OAuth2 provider to customise the set of requested scopes for authorize, access token, refresh token and back channel authorize requests.
    Generator for OAuth2 User Codes.
    A plugin or (extension point) that fetches the resource owners information based on an issued access token.